Our Story


Firo Creations is a jewellery company that specializes in unique custom pieces, all made in our Toronto-based studio.

We Have Over 26 years of experience in the jewellery industry, and continue to work with MAjor producers of fine Jewellry, nation-wide.

The Story of our PArtnership began in Canada…


    Born in Chile, Raised in Poland, then migrated to Canada.

  • Roland Hanisch

    Born in Poland, migrated to Italy, then to Canada.

How We Became a Jewellry Business

“Coming from Europe, We were able to bring our experiences with various techniques, and Trends into our work. this brings A fresh perspective and a wealth of knowledge, evident in our PRODUCT.

Both of us worked in manufacturing (jeweLlry) in Canada, where we started collaborating. Eventually, we created OUR own brand of jewellry and opened a shop. During the development of our brand, we were approached by People's Jewellers, to handle jewellry repair and custom designs for their Toronto and GTA storefronts.

After 15 years of working with Signet jewelers doing custom-designed rings and full Repair services, WE decided it was time to open OUR own online store to share the beauty of OUR creations with the world.

With two Decades of experience Within the INDUSTRY, We carry invaluable knowledge of diamonds, gems, and custom-made jewellry That qualifies US As trusted jewellers.

WE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT OUR creations and the joy they bring to OUR clients and friends, old and new.”